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In addition to doing general psychiatry, I have a special interest and training in the following areas.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a psychotherapeutic approach that addresses dysfunctional emotions, maladaptive behaviors and cognitive processes and contents through a number of goal-oriented, explicit systematic procedures. The name refers to behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, and to therapy based upon a combination of basic behavioral and cognitive principles and research.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Also called insight-oriented therapy, this is generally a long-term therapy that explores one’s personality, motivations, and relationships in the past and present to reveal underlying causes for current feelings and behaviors. We use this insight to find ways to improve your life.

Treatment of Mood Disorders
This includes the treatment of depression, bipolar disorder, and related conditions. While different people with mood disorders may have similar symptoms, every client’s life and what works best for him/her is always different and fascinating. I enjoy finding the individualized treatment that will work best for each person.

Adolescent issues and family dynamics
If an adolescent is having difficulty with school, work, family, or friends, there may be an underlying emotional problem. I will provide individual treatment to the child with suggestions to the parents, or group sessions for the entire family if appropriate.

Psychiatric illness with chronic medical illness There are many physical illnesses and medications that increase the risk or severity of psychiatric conditions. Psychotherapy can help with the psychological aspects of accepting and coping with chronic illness, while there may be psychiatric medications that can be safely added to help with poor sleep, poor appetite, pain, and other common symptoms in addition to anxiety and depression.

These pages are solely for public informational purposes. The information cannot be relied on to make diagnoses or prescribe treatment in any individual. Persons who require such services should consult with a licensed professional. If this is a medical emergency call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room immediately.